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2014 219日,国际保险协会(IIS)在美国纽约向媒体发布新闻,高度评价2014年度约翰・毕克利奖得主北京大学孙祁祥教授。以下是新闻稿的中英文版本。



国际保险协会2014年度约翰・毕克利奖授予北京大学孙祁祥教授。孙教授现任北京大学经济学院院长、C. V. Starr风险管理与保险学冠名教授。国际保险协会第50届年会将于2014622日至25日在伦敦公园广场西敏桥酒店举行,期间将于623日举行颁奖晚宴。


国际保险协会评奖委员会主席Bernhard Fink表示:“孙教授的工作和领导力不仅影响了中国的保险学理论与实践,并把这种影响带到了世界各地。她对中国保险业的改革和发展做出了伟大贡献,是政策制定者的重要顾问和智囊。我们很高兴能向她颁发这一奖项,以表彰她的杰出成就。”

国际保险协会主席Greig Woodring补充道:“自始至终,孙教授一直致力于前沿创新与相关研究,研究领域除商业保险之外,还涉及社会保障。许多国家目前都面临老龄化的挑战和机遇,社会保障对于保险人而言无疑是举足轻重的。除了孙教授,我想不出谁更有资格获得约翰・毕克利奖。这个奖项以国 际保险协会创始人、已故约翰・毕克利博士之名命名,他在生前一直希望保险业界能够与学界一起努力不断改善保险业。孙教授可谓实至名归。”

国际保险协会总裁兼首席执行官Michael J. Morrissey谈到:“孙教授不光是一位卓越的思想领袖,她还是一位真正的开拓者――她是首位荣膺约翰・毕克利奖的女性学者,同时也是首位获此殊荣的中国学者,她还是北京大学经济学院历史上的第一位女院长。今年是国际保险协会年会50周年的纪念,这将是为孙教授颁奖的最佳场合。”







New York, New York Feb 19, 2014 The International Insurance Society (IIS) has announced Dr. Qixiang Sun of Peking University as the 2014 recipient of the John S. Bickley Founder’s Award. Dr. Sun serves as the Dean of the School of Economics and the C. V. Starr Chair Professor of Risk Management and Insurance at Peking University, and will be honored at the June 23rd awards gala dinner in conjunction with the IIS 50th Annual Seminar at the Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel, June 22nd �C 25th, 2014.

The John S. Bickley Founder’s Award Gold Medal for Excellence recipient is elected by secret ballot by the IIS Honors Committee, a body of senior insurance executives and leading academicians, and honors individuals who have made a significant, lasting and recognized contribution to insurance thought, product, practice or education. The award recognizes individuals who have made a significant and lasting contribution to insurance thought, product, practice or education.

“Dr. Sun’s work and leadership has influenced insurance thought and practice not only in China, but around the world,” says Bernhard Fink, IIS Honors Committee Chairman.“She has contributed greatly to the reform and development of the insurance industry in China and has served as a major advisor and resource for policy makers. We are proud to honor her for her outstanding achievements.”

IIS Chairman Greig Woodring adds, "throughout her career, Dr. Sun has spear headed innovative and relevant research, including in the field of social security, which is a significant issue for insurers in many countries as we confront the challenge and opportunities of an aging population.I cannot think of anyone more praise worthy to receive this award which honors of our founder, the late Dr. John S. Bickley, whose vision was to synergize insurers and academics for the betterment of the industry.”

Dr. Sun has not only distinguished herself as a prominent thought leader,” says IIS President and CEO, Michael J. Morrissey, “she is also a true trailblazer - as the first female recipient of the prestigious John S. Bickley Founder’s Award and the first Laureate from China, as well as being the first female Dean in the history of Peking University School of Economics. There could not be a better occasion to celebrate her achievements than the 50th anniversary of the IIS Annual Seminar”, adds Mr. Morrissey.

Dean Sun is a renowned academic whose leadership is recognized around the world. She is a prominent author of more than twenty books including the best- selling textbook Principle of Insurance and scores of research articles. Dr. Sun also participates actively in the insurance industry in China and internationally, serving on boards and other advisory and leadership positions. A highly productive researcher, she has won over 20 grants from a number of government institutions including National Social Science Foundation, Ministry of Education, Development and Reform Commission of China, China Insurance Regulatory Commission as well as renowned international institutions.

In 2003 Dr. Sun founded CCISSR at Peking University for the purpose of providing policy guidance and practical information on meeting this challenge. She assembled an international galaxy of advisors and research associates and the CCISSR has conducted ten outstanding meetings where top level academicians, policymakers, and industry leaders have presented information and concepts and engaged in discussions about how to solve the problem. CCISSR has also presented and published the results of economic research panels, as well as dozens of insightful books and reports.

Dr. Sun has been a visiting scholar in residence in Harvard University, National Center on Economic Research, at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, Hong Kong University and The University of Alabama, among others.

About the International Insurance Society:


The IIS, founded in 1965, is the world’s largest and most prestigious industry organization, with members representing global insurance leaders, international regulatory authorities and worldwide insurance scholars from over 90 countries. Our mission is to facilitate cross-border exchange of ideas, development of global personal networks and to initiate practical and original research addressing critical issues facing the industry through the Shin Research Excellence Awards program. The IIS seminar is THE must attend annual conference and draws 500+ or more senior insurance executives, regulators and insurance scholars, representing all parts of the world and all sectors of the industry. Inclusiveness and diversity are distinguishing characteristics of the IIS which enable us to serve as the premier go-to global resource for the insurance community.

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