Department of Economic History
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ZHAO Yiling

Interview with students:

E-mail:  yilzhao@pku.edu.cn


Research Field: Economic History


Education Background:

Northwestern University, PhD in Economics;

University of Iowa, BS in Economics and Mathematics


Work experience: 

2020/9— Assistant Professor at School of Economics, Peking University



Working mothers' dilemma during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from China (joint with DanDan Zhang, Yaxuan Liu), China Economic Review, April 2024

Sectarian Competition and the Market Provision of Human Capital (joint with Heyu Xiong) , Journal of Economic History, March 2023 pg. 1-44

Dissertation Summary: Culture, Norms, and Human Capital Accumulation in the American Higher Education History, Journal of Economic History, Vol. 82, No. 2, June 2022, pg. 568-572


RA opportunity:

I’m currently looking for a part-time research assistant. Please send me an email if you are interested.


Personal website: https://sites.google.com/view/yiling-zhao/


Copyright Peking University Tel(F) : 86-10-62751462 Email: weiweilin@pku.edu.cn