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The 2nd Forum of Editors-in-Chief of One Hundred Key Economic Journals in China was held at School of Economics at Peking University

  On November 13, School of Economics at Peking University and the editorial office of Economic Science jointly hosted the 2nd Forum of Editors-in-Chief of One Hundred Key Economic Journals in China. The forum aims to provide a platform to discuss how to consolidate the consensus and strength of the Chinese economics community in the new era and build a more equal and open communication platform for the editors of economics journals and scholars.


The 2nd Forum of Editors-in-Chief of One Hundred Key Economic Journals in China

  The guests attending the forum mainly included: Wang Xuedian, Editor-in-Chief of New China's first college liberal arts newspaper Wenshizhe , and 136 chief editors, presidents, and heads of editorial departments from 122 key journals in China, such as People's Daily , Qushi , Guangming Daily , Economic Daily , Chinese Social Science , Economic Research , Management World and China Industrial Economy .

  The forum consisted of an opening ceremony, a keynote speech, four online round table forums, eight parallel sub-forums and a closing ceremony. The opening ceremony was presided over by Zhang Hui, Vice Dean of the School of Economics at Peking University. 

  During the opening ceremony, Dong Zhiyong, Assistant to President of Peking University, Dean of the School of Economics, and Editor-in-Chief of Economic Science , delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer.


Dong Zhiyong delivering a speech

  Then, Wang Xuedian, Editor-in-Chief of New China's first college liberal arts newspaper Wenshizhe , delivered a keynote speech on the theme of "Meeting the Third Academic Transformation".


Wang Xuedian delivering a keynote speech

  The online round table forums consisted of four thematic topics, including "How Economic Journals Can Promote and Lead Theoretical Innovation", "How Economic Journals Can Serve the Construction of a Socialist Modern Power", "How Economic Journals Can Promote Sino-foreign Academic Exchanges" and "Journals and Disciplinary Construction and Talents Cultivation".

  On the afternoon of November 13, the eight parallel sub-forums were launched at the same time on the online video conference platform. Guests participating in the sub-forums had a full discussion on relevant topics.


The parallel sub-forums

  In the end of the forum, the closing ceremony was presided over by Cui Jianhua, Secretary of the School Council. On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Forum, Yu Xiaodong, Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Economic Sciences announced the "Proposal of the Second China's Hundred Key Economic Journals Editor-in-Chief Forum" and then Cui Jianhua delivered a closing speech.

Yu Xiaodong announcing the proposal

Cui Jianhua delivering a closing speech


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