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International Conference on “Institutions, Reforms and Economic Development”

 Call for Papers:

International Conference on Institutions, Reforms and Economic Development


Peking University, Beijing, China

September 19-20, 2015


        School of Economics, Peking University (SEPKU) and the Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM) invite submission of papers for, and participation in, a major international conference on institutional reforms and economic development in the emerging economies and markets. Empirical and theoretical papers related to the theme of the conference as well as papers dealing with institutions, political economy and policy issues are welcome. Participants are invited to submit their individual papers for presentation or to propose an entire panel consisting of four papers.


Themes to be considered at the conference include but are not limited to:

- Institutional development and reforms and their impacts on real and financial sectors

- Relative role of institutions versus economic policies for the economic growth and development

- International financial institutions and their impacts on the emerging economies during the post-crisis era

- Regional economic integration and the cross-border trade & investment among emerging economies

- Comparative studies on the economic transition and system changes in Asia, Europe and the Americas

- Country-specific studies on the reforms of labor markets, social security, health and education systems, rural and land policies, industrial and technology sectors, foreign trade and investment regimes, etc.

- Interaction between monetary policies and fiscal policies and its impact on economic activities

- Economic history and its implications for the current economic policies

- Sustainable development of the global economy and emerging markets in the context of arising economic and geo-political conflicts

- China`s "new normal" of slower growth and structural change and its implications for the global economy




- Scott Rozelle, Stanford University 



- Vito Tanzi, former director of IMF Fiscal Affairs Department




        Papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication (subject to double-blind reviewing process) in the special issues of two SSCI-indexed journals: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (official journal of the Society for the Study of Emerging Markets); China Economic Review (official journal of the Chinese Economists Society).


        Dr. Ali M. Kutan, editor of Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, will also give a talk in a special session of the conference on "How to publish in top journals in economics and business", targeted for young scholars and doctoral students. Questions will also be taken from the participants of the session.





        The conference will be held in the School of Economics Building on the main campus of Peking University in Beijing, China.





        Paper proposals, consisting of an abstract of no more than 400 words and/or complete papers, should be submitted via Conference Maker (you need to create a free Conference Maker account to submit a paper or panel):



        Proposals will be reviewed by the conference`s scientific committee on an ongoing basis. The deadline for submissions of abstracts or complete papers is July 1, 2015. Decisions will be made within four weeks after submission and no later than July 31, 2015. The number of papers that can be accommodated is limited, so please be sure to submit your abstract/paper early.






        Registrations are taken through August 15, 2015 at the following website:

        All conference attendees (including paper presenters) are required to pay the registration fees at the above link by August 15, with the following two options:

- Option 1: Registration fee of US$150 for all attendees, which covers only conference lunches and dinners, coffee breaks and conference materials.

- Option 2: Registration fee of US$300 for all attendees, which includes a one-year membership in the Society for the Study of Emerging Markets (SSEM), as well as conference lunches and dinners, coffee breaks and conference materials. Members in SSEM receive Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (EMFT) free online, and also do not pay paper submission fees during the membership period, including submission to the planned special issue of EMFT.





        Hotel accommodations are available at two luxury levels at discounted conference rates: an on-campus 5 star hotel and an off-campus 4 start hotel. Hotel reservation will be taken at the above conference registration link. Due to the limited number of hotel rooms available, please complete your registration and lodging reservation early. Please note that all conference participants and presenters are responsible for paying their own hotel expenses.





        Questions about the conference should be directed to Dr. Xuezheng Qin at:






        Please click here to download the agenda:



Copyright Peking University Tel(F) : 86-10-62751462 Email: weiweilin@pku.edu.cn