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Workshop Invitation: Research Proposal Writing in Beijing, organized by Freie Universitaet Berlin

Dear students of Peking University,
If you are interested in PhD Studies abroad in 2018 the time for application is coming, like the one to the FUB-CSC PhD Program 2018 which offers 50 open PhD positions at Freie Universitaet Berlin (http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/sites/china/), located in the capital of Germany. Freie Universitaet Berlin is one of the 11 Universities of Excellence in Germany and a leading research university with high performances in sciences, social sciences and humanities.
The application requirements are sometimes difficult to fulfill, particularly to write a ‘research proposal’ for the first time. It should describe your (future) research interest and is a decisive factor for a successful application and funding – now and in your future academic career.
To prepare you and to give you the best chances for your application, I’d like to invite you to a special arranged workshop focusing on ‘Research Proposal Writing’. This is an offer especially for students of Peking University because of our long-term partnership between Peking University and Freie Universitaet Berlin. 
I am happy to announce that the Vice President for Sciences of Freie Universität Berlin, Prof. Dr. Brigitta Schütt, is offering her valuable experiences to conduct a workshop on research proposal writing. She is an outstanding expert in that field because of her numerous distinguished workshops on that topic. The 1,5 days-workshop is organized by the Beijing Office of Freie Universitaet Berlin on November 24-25 in English.
The workshop includes several parts which build on each other:

  1. From research idea to research realization
  2. How to structure your proposal
  3. How to plan and organize your research
  4. Dos and don’ts
  5. Information about doing your PhD research at Freie Universität Berlin

Please check the program and download the workshop application form on the website of the Beijing Office: here download
Date (1,5 days-workshop):
24 November, 13:30-18:00 (including an invitation for dinner) and
25 November, 09:00-17:15 (including an invitation for German lunch)
Venue: German Center Seminar Room, Tower D1, DRC Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office       Building, Unit 1101 A (11th floor)

Address: 北京市朝阳区东方东路19号,亮马桥DRC外交办公大楼D1 座11层1101A室 德国中心会议室
The Workshop is free of charge, however because of the limited seats an application is necessary! If your seat is confirmed, the attendance of both days is mandatory.
Please fill in the application form and send it back to the Beijing Office (beijing3@fu-berlin.de) until November 15 (2pm).
I’m looking forward to your application and hope that I can welcome you to the workshop.
Best wishes,
Beate Rogler

Beate ROGLER (Ms.)
Freie Universitaet Berlin - Beijing Office
DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service
Unit 1718, Landmark Tower 2
8 North Dongsanhuan Road,Chaoyang District
Beijing 100004, P.R. China

Tel.: +86-10-6590 6676 ext. 35
E-mail: beate.rogler@fu-berlin.de
Web:    http://www.fu-berlin.de/ ; http://www.fu-berlin.de/china;
Sina-Weibo: 柏林自由大学驻京代表处
NEW: FUB-CSC PhD Program 2018!

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